Qasida Signature a scent crafted for those who make a lasting impression. This bold fragrance blends rich florals, creamy Guaicwood, and amber for an unforgettable scent. Qasida Signature is for the unapologetically unique, embodying elegance and leaving a legacy. It’s not just a fragrance;...
Step into the night with Qasida Al Badr a fragrance inspired by the full moon’s luminous beauty. This poetic blend of floral and musky notes, anchored by oud and sweet vanilla, embodies mystery and allure. Qasida Al Badr captures the enchanting glow of a...
Infused with the warmth of traditional bakhour, Qasida Bakhour is a journey through the senses. This scent celebrates aromatic resins, exotic woods, and delicate spices for a truly immersive experience. It’s more than a fragrance it’s an invitation to the heart of Arabian luxury...
اكتشف القصة العطرية لعطر فن رواية، العطر الذي يدعوك إلى قصة من الفخامة والأناقة. يكشف هذا العطر فصوله عن احتضان دافئ للعنبر والفنيليا والمسك، مما يخلق جوًا مريحًا للارتداء اليومي. ومع تعمق الحكاية، يقدم القلب شخصيات راقية من خشب الأرز والجرجوم مما يضيف طبقات من التعقيد والأناقة إلى الرحلة العطرية. يأخذ منعطفًا منشطًا مع ظهور روائح قاعدة منعشة، مزيج من روائح البرتقال والليمون والماندرين والوردي والليمون والتوابل، مما يضخ دفعة من النضارة والطاقة في القصة. إنه عطر يحكي قصة متعددة الاستخدامات ومتطورة، ويعد بأن يصبح فصلًا خالدًا في مجموعتك، قصة آسرة لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن مغامرة عطرية. انغمس في قصة رواية التي تتكشف.
Qasida Signature a scent crafted for those who make a lasting impression. This bold fragrance blends rich florals, creamy Guaicwood, and amber for an unforgettable scent. Qasida Signature is for the unapologetically unique, embodying elegance and leaving a legacy. It’s not just a fragrance;...
Step into the night with Qasida Al Badr a fragrance inspired by the full moon’s luminous beauty. This poetic blend of floral and musky notes, anchored by oud and sweet vanilla, embodies mystery and allure. Qasida Al Badr captures the enchanting glow of a...
Infused with the warmth of traditional bakhour, Qasida Bakhour is a journey through the senses. This scent celebrates aromatic resins, exotic woods, and delicate spices for a truly immersive experience. It’s more than a fragrance it’s an invitation to the heart of Arabian luxury...
Qasida Signature a scent crafted for those who make a lasting impression. This bold fragrance blends rich florals, creamy Guaicwood, and amber for an unforgettable scent. Qasida Signature is for the unapologetically unique, embodying elegance and leaving a legacy. It’s not just a fragrance;...
Step into the night with Qasida Al Badr a fragrance inspired by the full moon’s luminous beauty. This poetic blend of floral and musky notes, anchored by oud and sweet vanilla, embodies mystery and allure. Qasida Al Badr captures the enchanting glow of a...
Infused with the warmth of traditional bakhour, Qasida Bakhour is a journey through the senses. This scent celebrates aromatic resins, exotic woods, and delicate spices for a truly immersive experience. It’s more than a fragrance it’s an invitation to the heart of Arabian luxury...